Delwin, GLTS Junior in Carpentry

Building is super satisfying. I put up a wall over there. I put staging up on the roof so people don’t fall. I strapped and blocked half of the basement. It’s amazing to see what I’ve built. Now I can come home and tell my parents, I can help you fix that. I come here every work day and I’ll ask as many questions as I need to and then I get right to work. I stay busy. 

And through all that I’ve made plenty of mistakes- some more expensive than others. But I learn from them, so when I get out there in the working world I won’t make so many.  Working comes naturally, what’s been surprising is the weather. I always wear a thermal shirt and I’ve learned to wear 2 layers of gloves. The worst thing is trying to work with cold hands. 

I also work at a memory care center. I love having conversations with the residents— they tell me about their granddaughter visiting or what they had for lunch. It’s great to converse with them.

I used to be scared of heights. Not anymore, I’ve gotten over my fear and feel confident climbing ladders. Actually that learning was super helpful when I interviewed for a co-op. At my interview they asked “How are you with heights?” and I said “No problem.” I got hired the same day. I’ll be working for a residential contractor 7:30 to 3:00 every day. So I’ll be working on site here on Lupine Road alternate weeks with my co-op. The co-op is a paid job and great experience. I’ll be getting paid to be cold now. That’ll be nice.

Eventually I would like to start a business; at least that’s my long-term goal right now. When I’m a supervisor I would like to be able to hire a student from here and let this great cycle continue.


Kylee, GLTS Senior, Electrician


Peter Magee, GLTS instructor